The Blizzard Pet Store is offering two new virtual pets to World of Warcraft players today, one of which has generated over $2 million in sales in its first four hours.
The "Celestial Steed" (right) is, according to its description on the Blizzard Store, "freshly born from the Twisting Nether" and allows players to "travel in style astride wings of pure elemental stardust."
More research is of course necessary but as of press time, it is widely believed that the Celestial Steed may be the fanciest horse ever born.
The fancy horse costs $25 and offers no new abilities to players, only riding as fast as a character's riding skill will enable it to go.
According to, the download queue as of 1:45 Pacific time was at 80,000. At $25 a pop, this means that this noble steed has generated sales of $2 million since its approximate debut at 9:30 this morning, or around $500,000 an hour.
1UP has reached out to Blizzard for commentary from the horse, and will report back if he is available.
Fancy Horse Makes Blizzard $2 Million in Four HoursFancy Horse Makes Blizzard $2 Million in Four Hours
When I just started online marketing, I did my research on search engine optimization and wondered how would search engines like Google improve the quality of my business?
And the key to that is article marketing. I know you're probably wondering, "How can articles increase your search engine optimization?"
Well before I knew about SEO's I was just writing articles and lots of them. And one day I was curious to see if my articles were on Google so I typed one of my articles in Google search and BOOM my article was everywhere, even on people's websites and blogs.
What I found out was that people were taking my articles and my resource boxes and posting it on their sites and blogs. What this did was increase my link popularity which increased my page rankings on search engine websites.
Your page ranking is measure by web page popularity where whoever has the most inbound links will have a higher page ranking. To keep it simple search engine page rankings is just a huge popularity contest where whoever has the most links on internet wins.
What do you have to do in order to improve your SEO?
Simple, all you have to do is write a lot of articles with a link to your website.
Take an hour or 2 out of your day to write as many articles as you them submit them to directories like this and let the Search Engines take it from there.
Challenge yourself and see how many articles you can write and submit in one day...that's what I do and it works. My page is getting a lot of traffic because of this and I strongly encourage you to give it a try.
What do you have to lose?
2. Utilize Title Tags to Their Utmost You want your title tag to contain keywords that are important to your SEO efforts. Make sure those keywords show up near the front of your title as Google only picks up the first sixty to seventy characters. Don't just list a bunch of keywords; take a targeted approach that makes sense to your user. Include a clear call to action!
3. Use Natural Language in Your Content Don't try too hard to stuff keywords in your page just to make it more "keyword dense." The search engines are getting better and better at identifying natural language. They can spot your keyword fluffed content much easier than they could in the past. What I mean to say is, don't use the same keyword phrase over and over and over and over and over and over and over and--you get the idea. Try including semantically related words in your writing.
4. Create a Smart Internal Linking Structure Use keywords and user friendly descriptions in links to help your users (and the spiders) navigate from page to page on your site. Properly position navigation to make it simple for users to know where they are and where they can go.
5. Include a Sitemap File for The Search Engines The best location for your sitemap.xml is in the root of your site. This is where the spiders will typically look. This is the standard way to do it, and we've been pretty happy doing this. You may choose something else, but keep it simple. Also consider creating an HTML version of your sitemap for your users. You might put it at yourdomain.ext/site_map/ and include the same content you have in the XML version. Now go submit your sitemap to Google using the webmaster tools.
6. Protect Your Site From 404 Errors! You can use your new Google Webmaster Tools account to track the 404 errors identified by Googlebot when spidering your site. It's essential that all links coming into your site, and your site's own internal linking, do not produce 404 errors for your visitors. By creating a redirect strategy to handle redirection of old pages, you can avoid this problem and make happier visitors. We'll post a full article on a great way to handle this with PHP.
7. Use Statically Typed (Pretty) URLs This is a great usability feature for your site. A "pretty" URL looks like this: You can see in the URL what the page (HTML resource) is all about. You may even have some keywords in the URL. It is the alternative to a dynamically typed URL that might look like this: Most people like the first type of URL--the pretty kind--because they are easy to read. We have a framework that helps us build sites with pretty URLs. We'll post a full article on this at some point too so you can see how we do it. Until then, roScripts has an article on how to do it with Apache and PHP. Or, check out SitePoint's article on how to do it with simple HTML.
8. Design For Accessibility With the Web 2.0 craze came a huge push by web developers to use XHTML and CSS for page markup and to follow strict compliance guidelines from the W3C. Thank goodness! Now if we could just get Microsoft to jump on board we could quit worrying about creating websites to be "cross browser/cross platform" and just focus on content. Pages built to standard are often much lighter (in data size) and therefore load more quickly. Google gives you a bit of preference for a quickly loading site, plus you've only got your user's attention for so long. Make it accessible and your users will see what you expect them to, and the spiders will more simply index your pages.
Don't forget cell phones and mobile devices. iPhones dominate web traffic for mobile devices. You might consider user agent detection to provide content formatted for individual devices. One of my favorite tech resource sites, quirksmode, has a good article on Javascript browser detection. You can also detect user agent info before outputting headers to your visitor's browser (so you can immediately deliver properly formatted content).
9. Use "Spider Visible" Content Consider using text instead of graphics for your navigation, page titles and other page elements. Google cannot process the content of some rich media files or dynamic pages. Some search engines still have a hard time with Flash as well. Some flash elements on your site can come in very handy, however Flash-only sites are often difficult to maintain and hard for some search engines to index.
Speaking of dynamic content, don't create your site with blocks of text produced by javascript. Make it all visible by default, hide it using javascript when the page loads, and then show it with Javascript on some event (e.g. onClick, onMouseOver). Because most spiders won't bother parsing your javascript, any text that is produced dynamically via javascript will likely be skipped.
10. Don't Try to Trick The Spiders We figured we would include at least one don't in our list of dos. Google warns against shadow domains, doorway pages, spyware and scumware. Don't use them! They won't do anything for the long term success of your business. They don't work and they will get you banned from the search engines (at least from the ones that matter).
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When I just started online marketing, I did my research on search engine optimization and wondered how would search engines like Google improve the quality of my business?
And the key to that is article marketing. I know you're probably wondering, "How can articles increase your search engine optimization?"
Well before I knew about SEO's I was just writing articles and lots of them. And one day I was curious to see if my articles were on Google so I typed one of my articles in Google search and BOOM my article was everywhere, even on people's websites and blogs.
What I found out was that people were taking my articles and my resource boxes and posting it on their sites and blogs. What this did was increase my link popularity which increased my page rankings on search engine websites.
Your page ranking is measure by web page popularity where whoever has the most inbound links will have a higher page ranking. To keep it simple search engine page rankings is just a huge popularity contest where whoever has the most links on internet wins.
What do you have to do in order to improve your SEO?
Simple, all you have to do is write a lot of articles with a link to your website.
Take an hour or 2 out of your day to write as many articles as you them submit them to directories like this and let the Search Engines take it from there.
Challenge yourself and see how many articles you can write and submit in one day...that's what I do and it works. My page is getting a lot of traffic because of this and I strongly encourage you to give it a try.
What do you have to lose?
2. Utilize Title Tags to Their Utmost You want your title tag to contain keywords that are important to your SEO efforts. Make sure those keywords show up near the front of your title as Google only picks up the first sixty to seventy characters. Don't just list a bunch of keywords; take a targeted approach that makes sense to your user. Include a clear call to action!
3. Use Natural Language in Your Content Don't try too hard to stuff keywords in your page just to make it more "keyword dense." The search engines are getting better and better at identifying natural language. They can spot your keyword fluffed content much easier than they could in the past. What I mean to say is, don't use the same keyword phrase over and over and over and over and over and over and over and--you get the idea. Try including semantically related words in your writing.
4. Create a Smart Internal Linking Structure Use keywords and user friendly descriptions in links to help your users (and the spiders) navigate from page to page on your site. Properly position navigation to make it simple for users to know where they are and where they can go.
5. Include a Sitemap File for The Search Engines The best location for your sitemap.xml is in the root of your site. This is where the spiders will typically look. This is the standard way to do it, and we've been pretty happy doing this. You may choose something else, but keep it simple. Also consider creating an HTML version of your sitemap for your users. You might put it at yourdomain.ext/site_map/ and include the same content you have in the XML version. Now go submit your sitemap to Google using the webmaster tools.
6. Protect Your Site From 404 Errors! You can use your new Google Webmaster Tools account to track the 404 errors identified by Googlebot when spidering your site. It's essential that all links coming into your site, and your site's own internal linking, do not produce 404 errors for your visitors. By creating a redirect strategy to handle redirection of old pages, you can avoid this problem and make happier visitors. We'll post a full article on a great way to handle this with PHP.
7. Use Statically Typed (Pretty) URLs This is a great usability feature for your site. A "pretty" URL looks like this: You can see in the URL what the page (HTML resource) is all about. You may even have some keywords in the URL. It is the alternative to a dynamically typed URL that might look like this: Most people like the first type of URL--the pretty kind--because they are easy to read. We have a framework that helps us build sites with pretty URLs. We'll post a full article on this at some point too so you can see how we do it. Until then, roScripts has an article on how to do it with Apache and PHP. Or, check out SitePoint's article on how to do it with simple HTML.
8. Design For Accessibility With the Web 2.0 craze came a huge push by web developers to use XHTML and CSS for page markup and to follow strict compliance guidelines from the W3C. Thank goodness! Now if we could just get Microsoft to jump on board we could quit worrying about creating websites to be "cross browser/cross platform" and just focus on content. Pages built to standard are often much lighter (in data size) and therefore load more quickly. Google gives you a bit of preference for a quickly loading site, plus you've only got your user's attention for so long. Make it accessible and your users will see what you expect them to, and the spiders will more simply index your pages.
Don't forget cell phones and mobile devices. iPhones dominate web traffic for mobile devices. You might consider user agent detection to provide content formatted for individual devices. One of my favorite tech resource sites, quirksmode, has a good article on Javascript browser detection. You can also detect user agent info before outputting headers to your visitor's browser (so you can immediately deliver properly formatted content).
9. Use "Spider Visible" Content Consider using text instead of graphics for your navigation, page titles and other page elements. Google cannot process the content of some rich media files or dynamic pages. Some search engines still have a hard time with Flash as well. Some flash elements on your site can come in very handy, however Flash-only sites are often difficult to maintain and hard for some search engines to index.
Speaking of dynamic content, don't create your site with blocks of text produced by javascript. Make it all visible by default, hide it using javascript when the page loads, and then show it with Javascript on some event (e.g. onClick, onMouseOver). Because most spiders won't bother parsing your javascript, any text that is produced dynamically via javascript will likely be skipped.
10. Don't Try to Trick The Spiders We figured we would include at least one don't in our list of dos. Google warns against shadow domains, doorway pages, spyware and scumware. Don't use them! They won't do anything for the long term success of your business. They don't work and they will get you banned from the search engines (at least from the ones that matter).
live with the man i love j new mexico 4307; see the world Racheal Toledo, OH 4299; watch my daughter grow to become a wonderful woman Mama Pasadena 4316; be a grandmother cindie san francisco 4305; see my teenage boyfriend dolores ky 4311 …. She demonstrated her signature humor during the rehearsal footage alongside her partner, Louis Van Amstel. When Louis told her, “I love to be that mirror in front of you, so when you look in that mirror you see the truth. … Niecy Nash and Louis Van Amstel – Waltz – The story: A couple in the 60’s who fall in love despite discrimination. Niecy says she doesn’t know what she’d do if the law kept her from being with her boyfriend. Niecy and Louis both cry. …
The quake struck at 1540 (2240 GMT), 26km (16 miles) south-west of Guadalupe Victoria in Baja California, according to the US Geological Survey.
It was the worst quake to hit the region for many years, officials said.
The US Geological Survey said some 20 million people felt tremors from the largest quake to affect the area since 1992.
It struck at a relatively shallow depth of 10km, the survey said.
Bridge checks
Mexican civil protection officials said a man had died when his home collapsed outside Mexicali, near the earthquake's epicentre.
Another man was run over by a car in Mexicali after he ran out of his house during the quake, officials said.
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The regional government declared a state of emergency in Mexicali, a city of about 900,000 people.
The quake caused buildings to sway in Tijuana, where Easter celebrations were interrupted as families rushed for open ground.
There were power cuts and hospitals and public buildings were evacuated in Mexico's Baja California state.
In the United States, firefighters were called out to inspect roads, bridges and power-lines.
The LA Fire Department also responded to a number of automatic alarms and people being stuck in lifts, reports said.
Rides were temporarily suspended at the Disneyland theme park in California.
Many readers who contacted the BBC spoke of the "surreal" swaying of buildings for up to a minute, although Steve Rider from Palm Springs in California said it was "the most powerful earthquake I have ever felt".
Kyle Stockburger, in Los Angeles, said: "Everyone stopped talking in the restaurant and the overhead lights started swaying back and forth. It wasn't violent, just unreal. It felt like the whole earth was swaying."
SAN DIEGO - An earthquake was felt over a wide area of San Diego Monday morning.
The 4.4 magnitude earthquake struck at 6:20 a.m. It was centered in the Pacific, about 31 miles southwest of Rosarito Beach and 42 miles south southwest of Imperial Beach. The depth is reported at 4 miles.
An earthquake of this magnitude is classified as light by the U.S. Geological Survey.
The San Diego fire department immediately instituted their earthquake procedures, where bay doors for the fire equipment are opened so they won't become jammed during an earthquake.
A caller from Chula Vista told San Diego 6 News that the earthquake woke her up.
"We felt it pretty good here but so far the phones have been quiet," said San Diego County sheriff's Lt. Hope Andrews, speaking from Kearny Mesa. "There's been no injury and no damage reports."
The U.S.G.S. reports people in most areas of San Diego County, west of the mountains, felt the earthquake.
The quake was felt at the San Diego 6 studios in Kearny Mesa. Most people on the second and third floors felt a quick rocking, while most people on the first floor of the station did not feel the earthquake.
Preliminary estimates by the U.S.G.S had placed the earthquake's magnitude as high as 5.0 before setting the magnitude at 4.4. A 3.6 magnitude earthquake was recorded in the same area 23 minutes later.
And the key to that is article marketing. I know you're probably wondering, "How can articles increase your search engine optimization?"
Well before I knew about SEO's I was just writing articles and lots of them. And one day I was curious to see if my articles were on Google so I typed one of my articles in Google search and BOOM my article was everywhere, even on people's websites and blogs.
What I found out was that people were taking my articles and my resource boxes and posting it on their sites and blogs. What this did was increase my link popularity which increased my page rankings on search engine websites.
Your page ranking is measure by web page popularity where whoever has the most inbound links will have a higher page ranking. To keep it simple search engine page rankings is just a huge popularity contest where whoever has the most links on internet wins.
What do you have to do in order to improve your SEO?
Simple, all you have to do is write a lot of articles with a link to your website.
Take an hour or 2 out of your day to write as many articles as you them submit them to directories like this and let the Search Engines take it from there.
Challenge yourself and see how many articles you can write and submit in one day...that's what I do and it works. My page is getting a lot of traffic because of this and I strongly encourage you to give it a try.
What do you have to lose?
2. Utilize Title Tags to Their Utmost You want your title tag to contain keywords that are important to your SEO efforts. Make sure those keywords show up near the front of your title as Google only picks up the first sixty to seventy characters. Don't just list a bunch of keywords; take a targeted approach that makes sense to your user. Include a clear call to action!
3. Use Natural Language in Your Content Don't try too hard to stuff keywords in your page just to make it more "keyword dense." The search engines are getting better and better at identifying natural language. They can spot your keyword fluffed content much easier than they could in the past. What I mean to say is, don't use the same keyword phrase over and over and over and over and over and over and over and--you get the idea. Try including semantically related words in your writing.
4. Create a Smart Internal Linking Structure Use keywords and user friendly descriptions in links to help your users (and the spiders) navigate from page to page on your site. Properly position navigation to make it simple for users to know where they are and where they can go.
5. Include a Sitemap File for The Search Engines The best location for your sitemap.xml is in the root of your site. This is where the spiders will typically look. This is the standard way to do it, and we've been pretty happy doing this. You may choose something else, but keep it simple. Also consider creating an HTML version of your sitemap for your users. You might put it at yourdomain.ext/site_map/ and include the same content you have in the XML version. Now go submit your sitemap to Google using the webmaster tools.
6. Protect Your Site From 404 Errors! You can use your new Google Webmaster Tools account to track the 404 errors identified by Googlebot when spidering your site. It's essential that all links coming into your site, and your site's own internal linking, do not produce 404 errors for your visitors. By creating a redirect strategy to handle redirection of old pages, you can avoid this problem and make happier visitors. We'll post a full article on a great way to handle this with PHP.
7. Use Statically Typed (Pretty) URLs This is a great usability feature for your site. A "pretty" URL looks like this: You can see in the URL what the page (HTML resource) is all about. You may even have some keywords in the URL. It is the alternative to a dynamically typed URL that might look like this: Most people like the first type of URL--the pretty kind--because they are easy to read. We have a framework that helps us build sites with pretty URLs. We'll post a full article on this at some point too so you can see how we do it. Until then, roScripts has an article on how to do it with Apache and PHP. Or, check out SitePoint's article on how to do it with simple HTML.
8. Design For Accessibility With the Web 2.0 craze came a huge push by web developers to use XHTML and CSS for page markup and to follow strict compliance guidelines from the W3C. Thank goodness! Now if we could just get Microsoft to jump on board we could quit worrying about creating websites to be "cross browser/cross platform" and just focus on content. Pages built to standard are often much lighter (in data size) and therefore load more quickly. Google gives you a bit of preference for a quickly loading site, plus you've only got your user's attention for so long. Make it accessible and your users will see what you expect them to, and the spiders will more simply index your pages.
Don't forget cell phones and mobile devices. iPhones dominate web traffic for mobile devices. You might consider user agent detection to provide content formatted for individual devices. One of my favorite tech resource sites, quirksmode, has a good article on Javascript browser detection. You can also detect user agent info before outputting headers to your visitor's browser (so you can immediately deliver properly formatted content).
9. Use "Spider Visible" Content Consider using text instead of graphics for your navigation, page titles and other page elements. Google cannot process the content of some rich media files or dynamic pages. Some search engines still have a hard time with Flash as well. Some flash elements on your site can come in very handy, however Flash-only sites are often difficult to maintain and hard for some search engines to index.
Speaking of dynamic content, don't create your site with blocks of text produced by javascript. Make it all visible by default, hide it using javascript when the page loads, and then show it with Javascript on some event (e.g. onClick, onMouseOver). Because most spiders won't bother parsing your javascript, any text that is produced dynamically via javascript will likely be skipped.
10. Don't Try to Trick The Spiders We figured we would include at least one don't in our list of dos. Google warns against shadow domains, doorway pages, spyware and scumware. Don't use them! They won't do anything for the long term success of your business. They don't work and they will get you banned from the search engines (at least from the ones that matter).
SEO is, in fact, combination of various tools. You will be using article marketing, link building and using the keywords and meta tags on your website. There are various other tools as well. Learning all about SEO would require a lot of time and dedication and every one do not have that sort of time. What you need to do is to find a SEO expert and hand over the optimization work to him.
If you have hired a company to do the search engine optimization for your website, then you will also get SMO for free. Generally all the good search engine optimization companies provide this service for free. When both the tools are used in combination, the results are amazing. Your business website will find the top spot on the search engines and you will get a lot of generic traffic. This traffic will be full of customers and you will definitely get a lot of business from them.
The SEO experts will be changing your website as well. They will give a shape to your website which will be liked by the search engines. The website will become visitor friendly and at the same time it will be easy for crawlers to crawl your website. Also, the content will be made search engine friendly.
If you are getting the help from the SEO experts, do ask them if they provide SEM services. If they do, you should use these services as well. SEM will enable your business to get to the limelight in the shorter term. The SEO is a long term strategy and it will take some time before giving you the results.